Available courses

Basic Level


1. Single Submission & Marking - Bug#1 still pending. Be able to add submission deadline with notifications and selection of one teacher. Fixed but Recalculating Graging page turns up... Passed

2. Backup and restore - pending: Issue#2 This backup file has been created with one development version of Moodle backup (2008111700). Minimum required is 2010072300. Cannot be restored. Passed

5. Turnitin Grading for single submission: KCL coursework has not got plagiarism integration

8. Bulk Download & Upload - only upload feedback zip file issue#4 pending others passed. Passed.

10. Point grading - Passed

Sorted & Passed:
3. Coursework Capabilities in place - sorted
4. Double Marking - passed but not Turnitin as no group support
6. Blind marking - passed
7. Allocation - passed
9. Extensions - passed
11. Groups submissions and grading: bug#3 reported - Fixed and Passed
12. Automatic agreement for final grades - passed
13. Rubrics grading - passed

KCL might not have any Turnitin integration with Coursework!!!!

Main Plugins in other cases:

block_reportsdash ????